Wednesday 18 May 2016

Im through with A2!

I am a truly happy child.

Currently I'm on my roommates (Aisyah's) bed, because my room has been cleared out and I hateeee the empty walls. In an hour or so I'll be on the way, if not already, at home. I'm the first one in my apartment to go home for good, and I'm that in that typical bitter sweet mood that comes with goodbyes. 

A levels was tough man, I'll tell you that. I guess I've always had it easy in my studies, putting in minimal effort and getting by fine, but for A levels, I had to grind (and I mean grind - my closest friends were kind of shocked to see me care so much). But it has come and it has gone, I'm grateful to say that I think I couldn't have done my papers any better, so even if things ultimately don't go my way, I've done my absolute best and thats the best place I can be. 

A handful of people have been asking me whats next. And the honest answer is, I get to be an absolute bum again and not feel guilty about it, the joy! I have a few months off before I'll even know for sure whats next in my education path. A levels results come out sometime in August, and IF I meet my sponsors and university requirements, then insyaAllah, Ill be pursuing Pharmacy in UCL, London. Thats a bigggg if ( and that one chem paper was pretty tough....) but if I don't get to execute my plan A, I've got backup plans (Murni Midwife Service, anyone?)

But in the mean time, I want pursue things thats been on my to do list for absolute ages. I wanna learn how to sew, start cooking again, and basically do everything I've been putting off since my A levels grind started. In relation to that, I'm planning on selling off my textbooks, other useful books and some of my clothes/stuff for quite cheap ( A levels textbooks burn multiple holes in you pockets believe me), but I'm not sure what medium is best, so I'll set up a poll by my sidebar so you can vote. If you do know anybody who will be taking A levels, and is planning on doing Chemistry, Biology and Maths (+ taking statistics), you can tell them to contact me! But anyway, something really exciting ( I feel) is that I have a ten day countdown to my 20th birthday ( YES, 20!!! ) so I want write one blogpost everyday up till the 28th of May. You can expect a post every 9.30 pm, or maybe slightly earlier, but Ill try make that 9.30 deadline for all you readers!

I'm honestly filled with so much emotion right now. KY is a place where I did a lotttt of growing up, and a lot of learning. My first two sems I discovered the most supportive network of friends ever, and my second two, I learned to grow and be completely true to my self. Also, I loveeee my apartment mates. We have this ongoing joke that our lives together can be turned into a sitcom, and its not even half false. As far as roommates go, I don't think I could've gotten luckier. I'll write about my crazy little apartment 5 in an exclusive post later! The thing is, I've gotten attached to my room a lot, as in, my personal room not the apartment we share. I don't have a room thats exclusively mine at home ( and I don't mind it one bit) but I really did turn my room into my space, had a whole wall full of pictures, I was in complete control over how I wanted it to be like. But now that I'm leaving, I just had to take down all my photos and pack up my candle corner, and damn, it feels so different. Un-making the room mine was so weird, and thats when i realised that as much as Im dying to live my life out of this jungle-bound campus, I truly will miss it here.

Till tomorrow darlings.


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