Sunday 17 April 2016

17.04.16 | Updates and approaching A2 !


How have you been? Its already mid- April, and the year has just gone by so quickly! I hope you're at peace with wherever you are in life, and that your first quarter of 2016 was good :)

I've been okayyy (in case you were wondering hahahahah). Just finished trials and stuff, which means A2 is literally around the corner *gasp* How well I do will determine where I go to do my degree, where I live for the next few years, my career path, my lifestyle, my whatever else I need to be worrying about as a 20 year old so yeah....

no pressure right?

Except pressure, lol. But oh wells, part and parcel of life and all that.

My days have been pretty, routine like. I go to classes on weekdays. Teachers have pretty much stopped teaching new things, and we just go to class, do our own work and then ciao, which is pretty pointless to me ? I'd be doing the same amount of work if I was at home or in my room but now with the added time and energy of walking alll the way to the academic block, sheeeessssshhhh. I like being in KY a lot, but their compulsory attendance system gets me frustrated so much, and I don't have the guts to skip either! Its so ughhhh *insert Mira stomping ground in frustration emoji* 

Okay rant aside, my days have been pretty mundane; I go to class, I revise, I watch parks & rec. I go home every weekend now because I do just as much studying if I were to stay in college + I get to spend time with family and friends so thats nice. Also, recently my grandfather passed away, and my Wan needs extra love now. I've come to terms with his passing, I miss him a lot because he was such an active grandfather figure but it got really bad for him in the end, so I'm sort of relieved the suffering ended. I want to write about him, and my other late atuk that passed last year. Writing helps me, sometimes I just have a lot to say but I can't say it, and I don't know. I grew up with all 4 grandparents and now I only have grandmothers left so its been a new (albeit necessary) experience for me.
While we're at it, Al- Fatihah  to both my atuks, I hope they both are in better places now.

So what else can I tell you? I try to go to Hot yoga once a week. It makes me sweat like a dumpling but it makes me feel so good! I'll write a post about it soon.

But not too soon. Basically just wanted to tell anyone who checks in on this page that I'll be taking a little hiatus from blogging until my exams are over. I know, I've not been so ever present anyway, but I just wanted to tell you people. If you want to find me you can look up my instagram (@ilmiramurni)  and thats pretty much the only thing I'll be updating until end of May.

Before I sign off, I just wanna extend my sincerest apologies for anything that I've done that may have caused you distress/anger/frustration. I hope you find it in your hearts to forgive me for my shortcomings (and irregular posting despite always saying I wanna blog more hehe). If there are anyyy unresolved issues, I hope we can talk it out ? My email is if there really is anything. And thank you, for taking you time to read my random ramblings. And if you have space and time in your doa's and prayers for me, I'd be forever grateful!!!!

I wish you luck in whatever you are going to pursue in this next month or so, and anyone taking A2, lets not do so good do the graph will go down bit ????? please????? hahahaha jokes, good luck to A2 people especially! Just a little bit more guys.

See you around End of May, till then, tata!


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